You Are Not Your Symptoms

People love to label themselves – it’s part of human nature. But when it comes to mental health, this can be a dangerous game. Whatever it is you’re going through, your symptoms do not define you. It’s easy to slip into this mindset when experiencing a low point in...

Learning To Manage Your Mind

It doesn’t matter which industry you work in. It’s important for everyone to take the time to work on their own self-care. Last week, I spoke to hundreds of doctors at the Royal College of Physicians about this very topic. Because everyone, even doctors, needs to...
Psychologically Overheating

Psychologically Overheating

Psychologically Overheating This summer saw a large portion of the world experience unprecedented heatwaves. And when you’re in a heatwave, you’re most likely drinking more water. Slowing down, making changes to your usual routine, wearing more adaptable clothing… to...
Amazon Best Seller, Famous Sofas & More!

Amazon Best Seller, Famous Sofas & More!

Amazon Best Seller, Famous Sofas & More! For some people, the sofa, is merely a piece of furniture. For others, it’s a battleground – the location of the fight for the most coveted viewing position! And for others still, it’s the snuggly place they retreat to...
How to Manage the Feeling of Being Stuck in a Rut

How to Manage the Feeling of Being Stuck in a Rut

How to Manage the Feeling of Being Stuck in a Rut It’s happened to all of us…you plod along and before you know it, you’ve fallen into a routine. Most people will find comfort and clarity in the expected. Except, you don’t find it fulfilling. It’s almost as if you’re...